I do public speaking against DUI driving for free. I have been speaking since 2009 and have spoken to over 21,000 people so far. Currently speaking every Friday afternoon for Second Chance Columbus.
I joined Rotary International in 2012 and am a member of the Tri-Village Rotary Club (Upper Arlington/Grandview/Marble Cliff).
I have served as Sargeant-At-Arms, Vice-President, President, and Past President. Serving is a fun and rewarding experience.
I joined Toastmasters in 2011 and am a member of 2 clubs. I am Vice President of Education for Franklin Toastmaster Club 524 and a member of Rise Higher Advanced Toastmaster Club.
I am also a club coach for Big Blue Toastmasters Club.
I earned the Distinguished Toastmaster Award from Toastmasters International in 2019.
In March 2023, I went to Uganda and the village of Namabasa to review my Global Grant water and sanitation project. While there we also did a medical clinic, gave out food, delivered a Toastmaster SpeechCraft Seminar, visited sponsored children, and checked out the chess club I started in 2010. Some of them are now expert level players!
The Global Grant is now complete and clean water is provided to over 1,000 people and clean new toilets for the Linda Good Samaritan Primary School with 700 children.
I am looking to form a joint Toastmasters and Rotary Club. At this point I am envisioning that members will already belong to a Rotary club and in addition will belong to a new Toastmaster Online Club. Rotary only allows members to belong to one club but Toastmasters allows you to belong to multiple clubs. I would like to have members from around the world belong.
I have attended many district conferences for both Toastmasters and Rotary. However I took it further and attended International conventions, 4 each for Toastmasters and Rotary. Places include Toronto, Chicago, Vancouver, Hamburg Germany, and Cincinnati.
I attended the recent Toastmaster International Convention in Anaheim CA last August and celebrated 100 years of Toastmasters!
My club celebrated its 75th anniversary in November 2022. Our club is going strong and meets every Thursday Morning from 7 to 8 am and on Zoom. We have members from Ohio, California, Florida, and Uganda. See franklin524.toastmastersclubs.org for details. Visitors are welcome. Experience Inspiring speeches every week.
Tri-Village Rotary Club (Upper Arlington/Grandview Heights/Marble Cliff) meets every Wednesday Morning at 7:30 at Scioto Country Club. Visitors are always welcome. Service above self!
Are you already a Toastmaster and ready for an advanced club? Check out the Rise Higher Advanced club on the 3rd Saturday of every month from 10 to noon, In person only at Easton community center.
I help with NNEMAP Food Pantry, if you have a heart to serve, please check out volunteer opportunities at nnemappantry.org, and donations are always welcome. We recently served over 1,000 families in one week. The need in Columbus Ohio is real.
They now have refrigerated pickup boxes for those who cannot make it during regular hours. NNEMAP now delivers groceries using DOORDASH to those who cannot make it to the pantry and are home during the day.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
An overview of my journey through Toastmasters, Rotary, and how they can work together.
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